Sunday, January 2, 2011

2011 Writing Wrongs Slam Season!

What's up Writing Wrongs faithful! As we prepare for another great slam season resulting in another great team to represent Columbus at the 2011 National Poetry Slam in Boston this coming August, we want to make sure everyone knows the ground rules.

The Slam schedule is as follows (all dates are subject to change)
January 4th (FREE NIGHT)
January 18th
February 1st
February 15th
March 1st
March 15th
March 29th (Last Chance Slam, Winner gains entry into Grand Slam)
April 12th - Grand Slam

*All Slams preliminary slams will consist of two 3 minute rounds except the Grand Slam which will be 3 rounds

*Points are awarded to the top 3 finishers from each slam (3 points for 1st place, 2 for 2nd, 1 for 3rd)

*Poets may not repeat poems during the preliminary slams. Poets CAN repeat poems they performed during prelims while competing in the Last Chance Slam or in the Grand Slam

*To qualify for the Grand Slam poets must finish among the top 8 point earners during the prelims AND slam in at least 2 of the prelim slams OR win the Last Chance Slam

**NEW RULE--Poets in the Grand Slam may not repeat poems performed in a previous National Team Grand Slam. For example: If you performed Poem A, B and C in the Team Grand Slam in the 2010 Grand Slam, then you may not perform those poems in the 2011 Grand Slam (though you may perform them during this year's prelims). This will ensure that the Grand Slams stay fresh with newer work from year to year.

That's all for now people, good luck to all you as I can't wait to see the work you bring to this new slam season!